Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hunting Souls for Christ

Poster for Me 4 My Neighbour 3

By God's grace I made it to Nairobi on  Saturday 2nd of February. Yes,I did attend the 3rd edition of Me for My Neighbour and I must say it was such a humbling and inspiring experience for me.
The enthusiasm of children joining us is always overwhelming
Led by Kennedy Krezi, Norbert and Andayi  more than 10 friends join in the walk around Mathare slums meandering through the thick of garbage and sometimes impassable places to reach out to a community that is seemingly forgotten.We have not much to give to these families other than the love of God and a few packets of maize flour but that the joy in the faces of the women and children we meet and interact  with is hugely overwhelming.

Njugush of KKrew is always with us
At a time when the country is on the threshold of an election we could easily be mistaken for agents of political parties in search of votes but that is far from the truth. Of course we are on a hunting mission only that ours is hunting souls for christ and share his love with this neighbourhood.

We visit 16 families today and 10 people out of the ones we have met have given their lives to christ.
This is of greater joy than the joy of the gratitude expressed by those we have visited. We came to give but  in the end we have recieved more than we have given and that makes us all so happy. We need now to have a plan on how to support our new friends in christ so that their faith is sustained as they journey through life in christ.


We plan on bringin more than food stuff the next time round and it is our appeal to every one reading this to journey with us as we bring souls to christ. Support us by pledging a bible and helping us get as many bibles as possible for the next edition of this amazing tour.

Join us in the Me 4 My Neighbor 4 on the month of May 11th as we share the love of Jesus and hunt more souls.For more info:
Facebook:Revived By Love Ministries

Friday, 18 January 2013

Introducing myself

Dear friends and colleagueas

My name is Olunga Otieno. I am Young, proud to be Kenyan and saved. It is an honour for me to join the family and the ministry of Revived by love Ministiries and it is such a joy to be a blogger for this incredible initiative.

It is my hope that we will interact over the next few weeks as we prepare for February's edition of Me for My Neighbour. Me for My Neighbor is a call to all of us to share the love of christ with others even in the smallest possible way and in the process change lives and draw them to christ. Let us journey together then come here once in a while and tell the beautiful stories.

Thanks indeed for having me and may God bless you.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Being Faithful in the Small

We at Revived By Love Ministries have been busy trying to get everything ready and together for our official ministry launch in September! Paperwork to be done, children and single mothers to interviewed, website to be made, t-shirts to be sold, and sponsors to be found are only a few of the many things consuming our time and energy the past two months.
 But in the midst of this busy life, we realize there are people needing to be revived by love. People that deserve care, attention and encouragement NOW... so way wait for our official launch to reach out to them? We've decided to join with a pastor and his wife with an already established ministry to love on  people. The target group? Street boys in Bungoma, Kenya.

These boys all have stories. Between the ages of 9 and 18 years old these boys eat, sleep, play and survive on the streets. Many of them are true orphans, without parents or guardians, and the others have run away from their homes due to the conditions of life they were living there.
Any bystander can see their dirty rags for clothes, their bare wounded feet, and their ability to fight, but it takes someone willing to invest their time and energy and love to witness the deep part of these boys' hearts. These boys all desire to be loved. They desire to go to school. They desire to have a good future. They desire to feel special. And we know that that is the Fathers desire for them too.

At the moment, all that is being provided for them now is a healthy meal once a week, and these boys really appreciate it. The pastor and his wife eventually want to have a home and school for them, to get them completely off the streets and to provide them with an education that can take them to a better future.

As Luke 16:10 puts it, "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones..." It isn't always about starting with a vision and immediately jumping to the completion. Dreams take dedication and tremendous effort to come to pass. And if along the way you do the little things while working towards your big goal, God will bless you. Be faithful, stay consistent and don't give up on the vision that God has given  to you!  

"Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

Want to get involved? Find us on:

Facebook: Revived By Love Ministries
Twitter: @revivedbylove
Phone: +254722744294

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Brittney's Story

Brittney McNaney is 20 years old, born and raised in Colorado, USA. She is the youngest of four; consisting of two brothers and a sister. Her parents are divorced, but both support her in everything she does and she has a very loving step-mother. Her mother is a realtor and her dad and step-mom are both business owners.

Ever since she was little, Brittney has always loved helping people. It wasn’t until this past year that God really revealed to her His calling for her. She was going to school as to become a nurse, but just wasn’t completely fulfilled. After praying about it for weeks on end, one morning God revealed to her His plan. From that defining moment, she realized that her heart belonged more in doing mission work and changing the lives of people around her, as well as people from other countries. By meeting a friend she was able to take her first mission trip to Kenya, Africa. This experienced changed her whole life and opened many doors.

One day at a little coffee shop, Brittney and three other of her friends went in to have their regular cup of coffee when God decided to reveal another idea to them. This idea, Revived By Love Ministries. What usually was just a quick fifteen minute stop turned into hours of scratching out plans for the ministry.

Brittney has a passion for helping to better the lives of people around her and reaching out to women and children. She is beyond blessed to be given the opportunity to reach out to people all across the world through the love of Christ.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Norbert's Story

Norbert Owuor is a 21 year old Kenyan born and raised in the slum of Mathare, the second largest slum and informal settlement in Kenya. He is the first born in a family of five children, which brought upon him responsibilities and difficult life challenges during his childhood.

When he was ten years old his mother passed away leaving him, his father and two younger siblings. The sudden death of Norbert's mother strongly affected his father and brought him to a state of confusion. This meant Norbert had to be strong for the sake of his siblings and the now so weak father, which caused him to step up and play the role of a parent. With the help from the community and someone far away that believed in him and sponsored his education, Norbert was able to pick up the pieces and bring his family together again.

This was not the end of it, the challenges that came with being in the slum environment were very real and in need of urgent solutions.  Problems such as  orphans with no place to call home or someone to call guardian, child labor and abuse and drug and substance abuse all surrounded him. Little did he know that God had a plan for his difficult life in the slum. It was in preparation for this present day that he, too, would understand the plight of dwelling in the slum and do something about it.

It was during a time of  self-searching that he met four other friends who shared a common ambition, and aim to touch and get people Revived By Love. It is now clear to him that his life calling is to mentor and give confidence to the slum children so that they have a better tomorrow despite all he or she might face.

If you are interested in joining Norbert and his friends, you can find more information at:

Phone: +254 722744294
Facebook: Revived By Love Ministries
Twitter: @revivedbylove

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Samuel's Story

Samuel Andayi is a twenty one year old man who was born and raised in a well known slum, Mathare. He is the first born son in his family of five; though his parents are a bit old. His mother had a problem of giving birth. She had lost four children before Samuel was finally born. His family and friends lack no reason to thank God for His mercy.

His education life was miraculous through his mothers effort in her small business and through the support of Compassion International. His father got injured in 1992 after falling from the third floor of a building. Even now he can't perform heavy tasks. So all the support came from his mother.
Through Compassion, he grew spiritually and intellectually. He is now a responsible young man with a passion to give back to the community. He believes that indeed it's not too late; that great dreams and missions can be revived if we show love to one another and we really care.

You can join Samuel and friends in their mission of promoting hope and renewing smiles in the society. For more information get us here at:

Phone: +254 722744294
Facebook: Revived By Love Ministries
Twitter: @revivedbylove

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Taylor's Story

Taylor Harbert is 19 years old, born and raised in Greeley, Colorado, USA. She has one younger brother and two very supportive parents. Her father is a claims adjustor and her mom works as a dental assistant. At the very young age of 9 years old, Taylor was blessed to go on a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico with her family. This is where her passion for ministry and serving began. At an even earlier age she had always talked about wanting to go to Africa and how she wanted a brother or a sister from there. This burning desire and love for Africa continued to grow.

Taylor spent her first year of college studying music and nursing. However, as the year continued, God revealed HIS plan for her life and countless opportunities unfolded leading up to her first trip to Kenya. Little did she know she would fall in love with the country, culture, and the people. God continued placing a calling in her heart and told her that he had even bigger plans. One day she went into a coffee shop with three friends in Nairobi. She assumed it would be a quick stop, but it actually turned into a four hour meeting. The result: Revived By Love Ministries. God had brought four friends together from all over the world at that time to reveal his purpose for their lives.

God has placed in Taylor's heart love for children, serving, and a desire to share his unconditional love which will be spread through Revived By Love Ministries. She longs to use these desires to continually discover "how high and wide and long and deep is the love of Christ" (Ephesians 3:18) and instill the power of Christ's Love worldwide.

Have questions on how to get involved? Please contact us at:

Phone: +254 722744294
Facebook: Revived By Love Ministries
Twitter: @revivedbylove